
Glider Contests Manager allows you to manage F3K, F5J FAI, F5K, F5L and ALES contest scores from your mobile phone or from a computer with web access.

Management of pilots, timers and competition organizers:

Registered users can join any open contest. Users with the role of organizer can create a new contest, add timers for that contest and add contestants. A single registering forever.

Enter scores:

A contest can be created with external timers (only users who are qualified as timers in that competition can enter scores), or the pilots themselves can enter their scores. In the event that a pilot does not have mobile access, other pilots can enter their scores using the PIN code assigned to the pilot for that competition.

View scores:

Any user can see in real time the total scores and per rounds of the open competitions or those already carried out if the competitions are declared as "public". If a contest is declared as "private" only the participating pilots, timers and the organizer can see the results (useful for training).